| Ideas

Opinion - Decentralization as a Means to Safety, Security, and Freedom

Extensions of state power have constantly proved to be disastrous for all parties involved; only a decentralization of the state can effectively preserve the values we cherish most.

By Jacob Miller, 21 October 2021

Image Credit: LvMI

The dangers of an authoritarian State are an uncontested fact of history. Over time the world has seen over one million governmental structures come to power over societies, all of which failed with resulting genocide/mass murder and collapse. This has always followed a "Power grab" or rise to authoritarianism.

Recognizing these facts in conjunction with the fact that the United States of America is beholden to the MOST POWERFUL state ever known to man is a quite horrifying truth. The United States is (under no uncertain terms) the largest threat to the entire species at large. Understandably, it is with great fear this concern is on the minds of many of the people of the territory of the illegitimate band of robbers and murderers which claims to own it's subjects as property.

Only with recognizing this truth can we advance towards a solution to this obvious problem. "So, what can we do?" Is the first question that should come to mind, as most people are (again, understandably) discouraged by the circumstances of the times given the incredible power in opposition to us.

The path of the least carnage is more obvious than one might lead you to believe: Decentralization of the nation. While this country was initially established to be allied nation-states it has grown into a rather massive conglomeration with a federal governing body that continually expands its own power for it's own gain.

Once we acknowledge that there is no path in which, with a major split in this country,  that can lead to any outcome except a large number of bodies we can then conclude it is an absolute necessity to split apart on the basis of conflicting ideals and troubled affairs.

Until we establish a new path our current one will be the default, with that being said, we must consider that our path is one of division, overspending, major inflation, and unjust violence. Is this a path we want to lead into the future, only to hand over to our children and grandchildren once the cracks grow immeasurably? Do we want to allow future generations to be beholden to the consequences of our actions today?

It is clear that it is the case that the rulers in the scenario we live in today are absolutely so greedy and so ignorant to the atrocities they commit that they would not so much as blink when considering whether or not we should continue these actions to benefit them in particular in the short-run, they would all undeniably believe "yes this action is necessary" regardless of the aims, means, or outcomes.

Large concentrations of state power inevitably result in mass atrocities and abuses. Wikipedia Commons

Whether we attribute this belief to ignorance, mal-intent, or even the best of intentions is not of any importance. The repercussions of said action is still dealt with on a daily basis by members of the human race across the entire world.

If we want to move toward establishing peace, prosperity, justice, freedom, safety, or security of our own people, and those around the world, then it is our one duty to disestablish this world superpower while we maintain the power to do so. A pessimistic attitude persists over the populace as we are rife with the belief that this entire operation known as the State is simply a mere fact of life.

This could not be further from the truth. For the mass majority of the time of man there existed no such entity. We have since seen populations of unruled people who have lived rather harmoniously in comparison especially to those outside of their territory in their own times.

Every human being with the capability and capacity to hear the message of freedom is deserving of it. So, with that being said, if we want to obtain a liberated society, we must spread the message of liberty into every facet of life. This is a plea, not to liberals, not to libertarians, not to anarchists, not to Democrats, not to Republicans, this is to ALL.

We must acknowledge our reality before it is too late and those who will suffer already have. The fight starts on an individual level: better oneself to be a worthy opponent to those who want to crush us. This means seek knowledge, eat healthy, work out, use currency that isn't monopolized by the State, save resources, avoid providing resources to the State, and stockpile the means to fight back.

We do not want it to come to violence. That is an obvious truth. We must start NOW if we want a chance at creating the society most fit to serve our needs as people. We each have a part in this, and our stake is our life and liberty.

"The greatest danger to the State is independent intellectual criticism" - Murray N. Rothbard.

Now is the time to work together, despite differences. We can sort our mess out once we defeat the relevant danger. Alliance does not depend upon involuntary and coercive methods, but rather voluntary agreements on behalf of individuals. It is time to move toward our societies' betterment. All who are dissatisfied with the status quo, and the impending collapse brought about by the State, we must reach out to one another.

This is my extension to you.

Jacob Miller is an author and frequent contributor for Young Patriots Magazine.


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